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Annual All India Camp

43rd Annnual Camp

The Annual All India Youth Training camp is the most important and largest training programme organized by the Mahamandal. The camp is of six-day duration, generally, starts in the afternoon of 25th December and ends on 30th night, and the dates are fixed for every year. The annual camp is a national-level youth training programme, and peoples from several states of India take part in this programme. The camp is for men only, but it is open to all after 4 p.m. on every day.

There are several lectures on the character building, e.g., Concentration of mind, life building, lead- ership, etc. and the lectures are delivered in many languages such as Bengali, English, Hindi, etc. The campers not only listen to the lectures but also practices the ideas which are taught during the camp. There are also cultural programmes, some of which are performed by the campers. The camps are helpful to understand and practice the man making and character-building ideas of Swami Vivekananda.

Most of the campers belong to 16-25 years, and they are students from various schools, colleges, and universities. Many teachers not only take part in this programme but also encourage their students to attend the camp. Even highly qualified teachers, professors, and other professionals do not hesitate to perform the duties such as toilet cleaning, guard duty, etc., and this is the true spirit of the camp.

There were only 100 campers when the 1st annual camp (1967) was organized. However, during the 50th annual all India youth training camp (2016), there were almost 2400 campers. In every year, we observe that the interest of people is increasing.

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Bold words and bolder deeds are what we want. Awake, awake, great ones! The world is burning with misery. Can you sleep?

Swami Vivekananda